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主营:主营:DNAgard Saliva, RNAstable, DNAstable, CloneStab, RNAgard, DNAgard
当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > DNAStable > Biomatrica/RNA stable®/LD-Biomatrica/100包装/16901-081
商品详细Biomatrica/RNA stable®/LD-Biomatrica/100包装/16901-081
Biomatrica/RNA stable®/LD-Biomatrica/100包装/16901-081
Biomatrica/RNA stable®/LD-Biomatrica/100包装/16901-081
商品编号: 16901-081
品牌: Biomatrica Inc
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 核酸常温运输
公司分类: DNAStable
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

RNA stable™ and RNA stable™ LD allows you to preserve and ship your total RNA, mRNA, and miRNA for up to 12 years at ambient temperatures*. They provide a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution to freezer crawl and lab space management. Moreover, they eliminate sample loss due to freeze/thaw cycles. When you are ready to use your RNA samples, you can fully recover them in minutes without any additional purification steps.

RNA stable is available in two convenient formats:
  • RNA stable: provided pre-dried in 1.5 ml microfuge tubes and 96-well plates to which hydrated RNA can be added.
  • RNA stable LD: a liquid reagent which can be added directly to RNA samples in your own tubes, multi-well plates, or other containers

Biomatrica是一家在生物稳定技术处于全球领先地位的美国高科技公司。公司位于美国加利福尼亚州的美丽海滨城市圣地亚哥。Biomatrica产品DNAgard Saliva, RNAstable, DNAstable, CloneStab, RNAgard, DNAgard 使研究人员,在例如药物开发和分子诊断领域,以非常低廉的成本稳定运输和储存完整的生物样品,并在短时间内恢复样本活性。其Samplematrix专有核心技术能够在室温下稳定和保护生物材料。现在用一个信封就可邮寄过去需要大量干冰才能办得到的事。此外,该技术也使在室温下进行许多生物实验变成了现实。蚂蚁淘生物作为Biomatrica代理商和Biomatrica经销商,为您提供最优质的服务。